To The Power of Three

Over here at PLS HQ we’ve started the year with a flurry of activity and excitement. 
After our last weekly Skype meeting we thought it would be a tad on the clever side to explain all about our own definition of the power of three and what it means (oh, and we can show you some of our handiwork too).

When we talk about the power of three, what we’re talking about is bringing content, design and functionality together to create powerful websites and marketing.  Why miss one out when mixing them altogether delivers the results that you want?  Why cut corners or decide to do a component yourself when; and I hope you don’t mind us being so forth coming, you’re not the experts?  

If you had a team who could write all the words for you, design an incredible looking website and then add to that clever functionality; why wouldn’t you put that to good use?

When we say words, we mean the right ones. You know those ones that inform, connect, inspire and engage your audience. If you don’t know how to write a captivating headline, entertaining or educational copy and you have no idea what a call to action is then please, you need us.  You have no idea how powerful professional copywriting is to your business success.  The exact same can be said for professional graphic designers and web developers.

When we say incredible design; we mean smart, clever and stunning design that gets the right reaction every time someone sets eyes on your brand. What you have to understand is this is an art that has been years in the making and perfecting.  What you see is beautiful design, stunning fonts and colours, but what you don’t see is the psychology or understand how the emotional and sub conscious mind words. A graphic designer does. 

What we offer in web development is delivering results for some very happy website owners. The art of functionality is something we’re extremely good at (well great at to be honest).  Producing beautifully modern websites that work seamlessly is at the top of the priority list as is responsiveness so you and your visitors can access your website from any device you choose. 

Now ladies and gentlemen, can you see the power of 3 is all about a positive visitor experience across the whole length and breadth of your website?   What that means is your visitors likes it so much they stay around longer and that means they’re more likely to take an action.  

These things don’t happen by accident you know.  Oh know, not at all.  There are hours of thought and strategy that goes in before hand and when they say 3 heads are better than 1 or 2; you better believe it.  

We run the operation very succinctly over here at PLS and what may look like fun (ok, yes it is fun) we’ve also got the right amount of industriousness, thought and planning expertise too. Did we happen to mention that we also have a very, very intelligent and bright Project Manager who keeps us all en point? Stop wishing for success and start doing by getting in contact with us today!

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How did we arrive here at Project Lemon Sizzle? Serendipity of course, because when great things are meant to happen they just do. Read more...